Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 4 post op. :)


Lincoln had a pretty good night again. We tried to space out his pain medicine and that was a bad idea. He cried like he was very uncomfortable for about an hour. It was sad! The good news is that we got all of his lines and wires off of him except for one line in his foot. He is free! And the best news is that we are transferring upstairs! We are just hanging out waiting on a room now. Lincoln finally seems to have his big boy appetite back. The area on his butt looks a little bigger so we are applying a cream and keeping a bandage over it. His swelling is going down which has to relieve some pressure for him. Poor boy also got some miralax this morning to help move things along down below. We are taking turns cuddling him now that it is easy to maneuver him.

11:00pm. Writing this with a smile:)

Well, I do not even know how to start this post. I have been trying to think of what to say all day and I have come to the conclusion there are no words for this feeling! The first time he could actually see me he just reached for me, wrapped his arms so tight around my neck and wouldn't let go. It was like we had both been feeling the same emotions throughout the week. After that he basically was ready to party! We had been so anxious to get him back that we had not really thought about how we were going to keep him entertained and under control in a hospital room. Logan said it best when he said we have a fragile newborn and an energetic one year old mixed together. I mean This kid is ready to G -O which is awesome but we have to make sure he doesn't bump his head.....any suggestions?! Within a matter of minutes we had our Lincoln back. I couldn't hold back the tears and for the first time this week they were happy ones! His eyes are still pretty droopy and he still has swelling but I can't remember him any other way now. It is so crazy!

We got up to our new room around five and it is like a five star hotel compared to our PCCU one. We will probably be here until Monday or Tuesday which is fine with me because I am a little nervous about taking Mr. Bobblehead home. It is hard for him to get a good night's sleep here though. They have to come check him every four hours and one of the many fun things they do is open his eyes and shine a bright light into them. I know they are doing their job and it is for Lincoln's own good but they sure are messing up our beauty sleep. I have lived in sweats this week and I am wondering how long I can use the "my son just had surgery" excuse. He will probably be twenty and I will still be the lady going out in public in my pajamas. I mean I really feel like I owned that right though, didn't I?

I think Lincoln may have some of his little buddies come to visit tomorrow and we can't wait! Please do not worry about us being sad about all of was our happiest day together yet. It is going to be hard to ever top it.


  1. I have been following your blog and will continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

  2. Love all the pictures! It looks like he's doing a lot better! :)

  3. I found your blog via Lindsey Penney and have been praying for you all ever since! Lincoln is doing so well! What an amazing boy! So happy you get to hold your snugglebug now!

  4. He looks amazing! And oh my I never realized how big he is!!! Such an adorable little man. I am so glad to see him smiling and playing.

  5. I found this blog when googling cranio info. My son just had surgery for metopic cranio, and your blog has been as incredibly valuable resource for me and my family in preparation for every step of the way. Thank you so much for making this blog and leaving it up because it's helping people like me even 7 years later! I hope you and your son are still doing well.
